Managing Your Documents In OpenEnvoy

OpenEnvoy makes it easy to view all of your digitized invoices, receipts, contracts and other supporting documents in a central repository. The document center interface allows you to effortlessly access and manage all of your documents in OpenEnvoy from a single place. Any document that gets emailed, uploaded, or transferred to OpenEnvoy will appear here. You can see various data about the document like the originating source and which jobs the document is used in.

Let's dive into how to leverage this feature effectively:

Accessing Your Documents

While logged into your OpenEnvoy account, on the left navigation of the application, you will see a section called "Data." Under this section, you will see three options: "Invoices & Receipts," "Sources," and "All."

Invoices & Receipts:

      • "Invoices & Receipts" contains all of the invoices and receipts that have been digitized within OpenEnvoy. The documents in this section create the job objects that get processed by users and workflows in OpenEnvoy.


      • The "Sources" option is where you can find all supporting documentation used to match invoices in OpenEnvoy. This includes any evidence such as shipping receipts, price sheets, purchase orders or any other additional documents that are used to validate invoice charges.


      • This option allows you to view a comprehensive list of all invoices, receipts, and source documents.

Filtering Documents

To find the documents you need, click on the "Filter" button from any of the lists in the Data section, which works like the filter builder feature available on other pages in OpenEnvoy. You can filter documents based on various criteria, such as date, document type, name and more, making it easy to narrow down the list to find the specific documents you require.

Viewing Individual Documents

To view an individual document, click a record on the list. This will open a page containing all of the information digitized by OpenEnvoy from the document, as well as a rendered preview of the document when possible.

There are three tabs on the right side of the document:

  • Properties: Here you will see various metadata about the document like the date stamp and the source it came from.
  • Fields: This is the single source of truth for each and every field extracted by OpenEnvoy on a specific document. If required, you can also click a field on the list and edit it to override what was extracted by OpenEnvoy. By doing so, the field will become flagged as user-overridden.
  • Links: Quickly and easily navigate directly from the document to the job created from that document (in the case of invoices and receipts) or jobs the document is linked to (in the case of sources).

OpenEnvoy helps you simplify and streamline your supplier invoice management tasks. From the document center, you can efficiently access and manage your invoices, contracts, and supporting documentation in a single, centralized location. Take full advantage of this feature to experience the benefits of streamlined invoice management with OpenEnvoy.